
As for exersice it is good to do at least 20 mins 3-5 times a week. When I first started out I was exersicing EVERYDAY, but now that I'm getting where I want to be I exersice every other day or so.

The first month I statred when I worked out I did one mile on the tredmile or a dance workout video. Then it went to doing both and adding 25 crunches and 10 leg ups, where you lie on your back put your legs parell to the floor then raise them 3 inches off the ground and bring them up and then back down within 3 inches of the ground.

Then I bought Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred. It. Is. Amazing! I love the way she pushes you through the entire workout. I also liked that she shows you the hard move and the easier move. I have done the entire DVD and have just recently started doing it again from level 1. I didn't lose but maybe 7/8 lbs., but that was because occassionally I would cheat/binge. Otherwise, I probably would have lost a lot more weight. The DVD is great way to get started working out.

At one point I was training, C25K or Couch to 5K, to run a 5K, 3 miles, but I am just so busy with school and the kids I really haven't had time and put it on the back burner. I would like to come back to it though because it is an easy system to follow. I was on week 3 of 8 when I quite.

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